Freelance Writer

Do you have audio or video projects that need transcription into print? Have them done quickly and accurately by one of our expert transcribers. 

Package comes with grammar & spelling

You may have to deal with this task in the course of your work; audio or video material that needs to be transcribed from verbal to text.

It’s the kind of job that can take valuable time away from tasks that really require your full attention. You may have tapes from interviews that requires transcription, or other pieces that need to be turned into text.

Whatever the source, our transcribers can give you accurate documents in Microsoft Word or other programs. They can do special formatting as well and give you time stamps and name tags if required. They will work with medical, business, academic contexts.

If you have reports or case studies to transcribes, our agents are equipped to deliver excellent results. In the end, having one of our agents do your transcribing can save you money also.