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Some people respond best to the sound of another’s voice. By adding sound to your work, you can bring to life words that would otherwise remain silent. At Anotherstory4U, we love being enthralled. Stunning concertos, poignant, poetry, explosive cinema-we’re art lovers through and through. And yes, we’ve even been enthralled by human voices.
An engaging speaker can make a huge difference in how much we enjoy a radio program or a podcast, but when it comes to audio-books or audio children’s stories, the voice make all the difference.
A perfect voice actor can shift seamlessly between dialogue and narration, pick up on drama, humour, and tension, and truly sympathize with the material. In sum, a perfect voice actor is also an exceptional reader.
AnotherStory4U has an array of voice actors to choose from, drawn from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and specializations.
Granted, we’re not all Leonard Cohen or Morgan Freeman, but we promise we can come pretty close.
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