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If you’re tired of raking leaves in your yard only to find them spread all over the place the next day, arrange leaf removal services from an expert.

When there are large and beautiful trees in your garden, you can enjoy the beauty and shade of them. In the Fall, however, the situation changes.

Removing leaves is a crucial service that must be done to prepare your lawn for the upcoming winter. Otherwise, if leaves and other debris are left on your yard over the winter, this can lead to mold and lawn related diseases which can damage your lawn and landscape plants. When the leaves begin to fall, the process of removing leaves from your lawn and landscaping areas can become an overwhelming and monumental task. 

This is especially true if your property has several large trees. In addition to spending nights and weekends raking leaves, there comes the task of hauling away dozens of bags of leaves to the compost site.

        • Remove leaves from your lawn going into winter months
        • Prevent your grass from being smothered.
        • Help you avoid patchy growth issues in spring.
        • Reduce turf damage.
        • Don’t waste your time ranking leaves on the weekends.

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